WASLI Europe Regional Representatives Prof Dr Christian Rathmann and WASLI LAC Regional Representatives Christian Ramirez

WASLI Europe Regional Representatives Prof Dr Christian Rathmann and WASLI LAC Regional Representatives Christian Ramirez - Greetings from Florianopolis! 🤩👐👋

#wasli  #interpreter #RegionalRepresentatives #signlanguageinterpreter #signlanguagetranslator #interpretation #translation  #internationalsign #world #europe #latinoamerica World Association of Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI) WASLI ASIA WASLI - North America Región Latinoamérica y el Caribe de WASLI DrChristopher Stone Kounghee Koh Arunas Brazas Tim-Tinat Gwazah @Jovana García @Michele Berger Christian Rathmann Christian Ramirez

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