Dr. Christopher Stone will be our speaker! His topic is “Training of Sign Language Interpreters: A Systematic Approach”

Next month Dr. Christopher Stone will be our speaker! His topic is “Training of Sign Language Interpreters: A Systematic Approach”. Hurry up to register and mark your calendar!

JUPEBIM 페북 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0StLzvapgQ1JHSyiD8E1PFMcG1kQPHvyZdcKzfTeyH6UkRGEWiyoUnLTLTUpxdRECl&id=100070310741863

대표 : 고경희

주소 : 경기도 군포시 당정동 181-38 센트럴비즈파크지식산업센터 제11층 1116호
FAX : 02-785-9086 / 사업자등록번호 : 511-82-69859